
13 Results

2024.11 KMR한국경영인증원 글로벌스탠더드 경영대상(중소벤처기업부 장관표창) 수상">

2024.11 KMR한국경영인증원 글로벌스탠더드 경영대상(중소벤처기업부 장관표창) 수상

Abiman Engineering presents collaborative robot ‘ARC’ series at ‘SIMTOS 2024’">

Abiman Engineering presents collaborative robot ‘ARC’ series at ‘SIMTOS 2024’

2024.03 Abiman Engineering Reveals Lineup of Secondary Battery EM Filter and Collaborative Robots">

2024.03 Abiman Engineering Reveals Lineup of Secondary Battery EM Filter and Collaborative Robots

2023.05 Abiman Engineering's CEO Kang Seong-yeol, awarded Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy">

2023.05 Abiman Engineering's CEO Kang Seong-yeol, awarded Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy

2023.04 Abiman Engineering: Leading Global Excellence with Integrated Solutions in Automation Era">

2023.04 Abiman Engineering: Leading Global Excellence with Integrated Solutions in Automation Era

2023.04 [KOPLAS] 6-Axis Articulated Robot: Unlimited Turning Direction and Tool Rotation Freedom">

2023.04 [KOPLAS] 6-Axis Articulated Robot: Unlimited Turning Direction and Tool Rotation Freedom

2023.04  KOPLAS 2023: Clear Emphasis on Automation in Plastics Industry, Robotics Takes Lead">

2023.04 KOPLAS 2023: Clear Emphasis on Automation in Plastics Industry, Robotics Takes Lead

2023.03 Abiman Engineering sets up 4zones showcasing cutting-edge manufacturing trends at KOPLAS2023">

2023.03 Abiman Engineering sets up 4zones showcasing cutting-edge manufacturing trends at KOPLAS2023

2023.02 Abiman Engineering-Xtend Robotics inked MOU for 1T Won-scale service robot production collab">

2023.02 Abiman Engineering-Xtend Robotics inked MOU for 1T Won-scale service robot production collab

2023.01 Abiman Engineering Co., Ltd. Calls for 'Emergency Year 2023’">

2023.01 Abiman Engineering Co., Ltd. Calls for 'Emergency Year 2023’

2022.10 From Injection Molding to Logistics Automation: Integrating with All-Encompassing Technology">

2022.10 From Injection Molding to Logistics Automation: Integrating with All-Encompassing Technology

2019.09 Abiman Engineering's Safety Campaig at Hwaseong Plant">

2019.09 Abiman Engineering's Safety Campaig at Hwaseong Plant
