13 Results
2024.11 KMR한국경영인증원 글로벌스탠더드 경영대상(중소벤처기업부 장관표창) 수상
Abiman Engineering presents collaborative robot ‘ARC’ series at ‘SIMTOS 2024’
2024.03 Abiman Engineering Reveals Lineup of Secondary Battery EM Filter and Collaborative Robots
2023.05 Abiman Engineering's CEO Kang Seong-yeol, awarded Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy
2023.04 Abiman Engineering: Leading Global Excellence with Integrated Solutions in Automation Era
2023.04 [KOPLAS] 6-Axis Articulated Robot: Unlimited Turning Direction and Tool Rotation Freedom
2023.04 KOPLAS 2023: Clear Emphasis on Automation in Plastics Industry, Robotics Takes Lead
2023.03 Abiman Engineering sets up 4zones showcasing cutting-edge manufacturing trends at KOPLAS2023
2023.02 Abiman Engineering-Xtend Robotics inked MOU for 1T Won-scale service robot production collab
2023.01 Abiman Engineering Co., Ltd. Calls for 'Emergency Year 2023’
2022.10 From Injection Molding to Logistics Automation: Integrating with All-Encompassing Technology
2019.09 Abiman Engineering's Safety Campaig at Hwaseong Plant