Drying & Dehumidification
HED series
Innovative Energy-saving effect with Hot Air Recycling function
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Product line
  • HED-25
  • HED-50
  • HED-75
  • HED-100
  • HED-200
  • HED-300
  • HED-500
Application field
  • Automotive

  • Packaging

  • PET-Preform

  • Micro & Precision

  • Home Appliance

  • Consumer Goods

  • Mobile

  • Medical

  • ETC

  • ■ Front Maintenance door applied to all models
    ■ Consistent drying and first-in-first-out by Diffuser method
    ■ High-drying efficiency and energy-saving by lower part and Heating unit warming
    ■ P control : precise proportional control, Minimized temperature departure
    ■ Weekly timer
    ■ RS485 communication
  • ■ Hot Air Recycling→30% Energy-saving
      (The result of caparison with a previous model of ABIMAN)
    ■ High-temperature, two-tiered warming structure
    ■ Controllers only for HED series Controller (P.I.D Control)
    ■ Dehumidifier connection
    ■ All-in-one material loading unit
Hot air dryer specifications
Insulated Hopper specifications
